The statutory overview and scrutiny functions of the Council shall be undertaken by Overview and Scrutiny Panels.  The Council has appointed the following Overview and Scrutiny Panels it deems necessary to ensure that effective arrangements are in place to facilitate the involvement of all Members who are not Members of the Cabinet and to ensure that the decisions and policies of the Cabinet can be investigated.  Each Panel shall have a particular responsibility for the overview and scrutiny of the following Council services:-



1.         Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel


(a)  Housing Estate Management and Support

(b)  Housing Maintenance and Compliance

(c)   Housing Options, Rents, Support and Private Sector Housing

(d)  Housing Strategy and Development

(e)  Environmental and Regulation (including licensing, health and wellbeing and Arts and Culture)

(f)    This Panel will also be the Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee under Section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006, with power to co-opt representatives of the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership onto the Panel when it reviews Partnership matters, and to agree terms of such co-option.


2.         Place and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel


(a)  Coastal

(b)  Waste and Transport

(c)   Environmental Enforcement and Amenities

(d)  Grounds and Streetscene

(e)  Sustainability and Climate Change

(f)    Planning Development Management

(g)  Planning Policy and Infrastructure

(h)  Economic Development

(i)    Building Control


3.         Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel


a)    Finance

b)    Estates and Valuation

c)    Revenues and Customer Services

d)    Human Resources

e)    ICT

f)     Elections

g)    Transformation and Improvement

h)    Performance and Insight

i)      Communications

j)      Democratic Services

k)    Legal Services

l)      Information Governance and Complaints



The general terms of reference of Overview and Scrutiny Panels appointed by the Council shall be as follows:-


1.      To review 'called in' decisions in accordance with the procedures set out in the Constitution.

2.      To prepare, implement, and regularly review a Work Programme.

3.      To report annually to Full Council on the output of the Overview and Scrutiny Panel, providing an assessment of the value added by the work undertaken.

4.      To establish work as appropriate after taking into account the availability of resources, the work programme and the matter under review.

5.      To undertake policy reviews, making recommendations to the Cabinet to assist in the development of future policies and strategies.

6.      To scrutinise the decisions of the Cabinet, offering advice or making recommendations on the matter.

7.      To monitor the implementation of decisions to examine their effect and outcomes.

8.    Subject to compliance with any provisions within legislation and the Council’s Constitution, to delegate any of the functions of the Panel to an officer of the Council.